January: I remember storms and such but my aunt's house wasn't effected by it too much I just missed a little work because I was too big of a chicken to drive under a mile to get there...at the time I was working at the National Guard and living in River Bend, Frankfort. :) Yeah I wouldn't drive that distance haha. I bought my wedding dress this month! Let's see if I can find some Jan pics. Gotta love Windows and the sort by month picture organizer :)
Ok didn't take any pictures that month but I'm sure in your mind you can see my January.
February: John and I didn't plan out Valentine's too well and ended up kinda skipping it I think. Also this was John's birthday, big 23, and we didn't do too much for that either...trying to save for the wedding.
March: Eh I don't usually mess too much with March. I'm too worried about Spring to come to care about March. Steven turned 19.
April: Alex and Shannon both turned 23 and I remember I didn't make a cake for either one of them since I was too self absorbed apparently....I remember I didn't even wrap Alex's gift (purse and jewelry) and I stuck the card (unsigned) in the purse, went to quick lunch at Subway which I didn't pay for her lunch either...Keep in mind that I certainly meant to sign the card, wrap the present, and pay for her lunch but nothing really turned out that way...at least she got it and a good laugh later about my craziness... I think I do have pics of April though they will definitely be random!
Yep, very random..My nephew Christian turned 2.
June: I turned 23 and so did I think Jennie, Kate, Candra, and Rachel...don't be mad if I got it wrong. :)...and James right? Oh well...I got a car!
Crap I was so excited for June I skipped May: We took a trip to Gatlinburg with our friends Chris and Mallaurie Scott. This is our ugly face....
So I'm gonna take a break at mid-year and publish this since John just woke up and instantly wants to get dressed and go out for breakfast....so bye for now.
Glad you've started posting again! Let's hope it isn't months before you finish this, haha :)